Tomorrow the truck comes to take away the house contents. Ive been sorting and filing all week. If at first this task was tedious and annoying it became a magic carpet ride through the past and from days of scouring the "archives", if I can call it that, the rewards were great indeed.
Like old friends one misses but has not seen in ages ... photos, letters, flyers, primary material + photocopied notes and journal material ... all this has to be trawled through and put into categories or thrown if not needed anymore.
One I had forgotten about completely was this watercolour painting below which is 50 x 70 cm. The image had been photographed, not well at that, and I chose to take an image on my iphone for the sake of recording it online.
The title of the painting is not something I recall not where this work went I'm sorry to say. An unusual situation indeed. However, I had a lost of change in late 2007-08 so in some ways it is highly likely a few things went astray.
The work below is from an exhibition I took part in in Newcastle in 2004 and is titled "Musical notation from another sphere" ... a work inspired by Greek poet Oddyseus Elytis whose poems I read in the early 90's when living in Melbourne and processing the influence of this country and its ancient culture in my thinking and artwork after a 4 month stay there in 1987.