Studio archive is such a useful name to describe that which ends up lurking around one's studio. Notebooks, journals, art materials and surfaces, works completed or not, large and small, one's better works and the others... the old nd all informs us ... oneself and others who may pass through the space.
Then theres the tell-tale signs of exhibitions, posters, promo material... all of it belongs here... I like the freedom of have a place to note the goings on when there's time... here at this blog and also at the visual tumbr blog... as shown below!
Its all too easy to get to the end of the year and think 'oh i mean to get this done or pull that together' ... sometimes you just have to be glad for what did get done and what things did materialise... and looking back through 'archival material' its all too evident... time has to be put into small details at times to ensure things come together... so its a good idea to be realistic about what it takes to move forward and cherish the experience as its unfolding!
The other thing I did recently which is great for recognising what's been unfolding was put together the third edition of the Studio and Project 'Homage the seed' E-newsletter.
Click on that and go see whats been happening since June... I surprised myself when remembering it all... it really was an amazing few months. The OS trip starting this week I am so ready for... the time will go fast but I relish the thought of being able to gaze from train windows and have those moments of pure reverie... at present that's what I am focused on!
Time to observe and muse on things!
In new surroundings...